Reading Aloud is such a great habit to form with your family, but what if you could take it one step further?
It all started for my family during our first year of homeschool. We were reading the Little House series and kept talking about what it would be like to live like Laura and Mary. We were craving that experience, and I wanted my children to understand how different it was back then. As a result, we started digging a little deeper.
We started planning simple activities and lessons based on our chapter readings.
It was almost as if we were diving into the book world and getting lost in reading magic. My children could understand and comprehend better, and we were having so much fun learning a variety of different lessons…this includes me! I learned right alongside them.
The Read Aloud Experience is designed to be low budget, low stress, and without all the “extras”.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve downloaded a unit/curriculum for my children only to find out I need to buy 5-10 specific books to go with it. Or, it’s asking for something I can only find at a craft store, and I really don’t want to load up my car and make the trip! Many times it ends in money wasted or just an incomplete lesson.
Most supplies in the Read Aloud Experience can be picked up at your trip to the the grocery store, and there’s no required book list.
I don’t always have time for that extra craft store trip, so adding a thing or two to my grocery list makes it so easy to prepare. As much as a I would love to buy ALL.THE.BOOKS, I just can’t. So, I take advantage of my library as much as possible.
The Read Aloud Experience provides you with a list of library topics that go along with each chapter. That way, you can grab a few books (for free!) to enhance your reading. I love doing library pick-up because I search the topic and look at the book covers to figure out what I like best. I add it to my hold cart, and picking them all up is like Christmas! I have no idea what’s inside, and most of the time I am positively surprised!

A variety of activities are included.
History, science, arts/crafts, music, food, nature, life skills, writing, map skills, and more!…these are the types of activities you’ll get to experience. Some are as simple as – go on a nature walk and use your five senses. Others will require a teeny bit of set up – like a science experiment or craft.
Remember, nothing is too crazy. I have four kids and 2 are under 2. I don’t have extra time to do something extremely intense. If I can do it, so can you!
All book suggestions and activities are optional.
Not feeling up to an extra activity? No problem! Is Thursday your afternoon sports practice and your short on time?…it’s ok! Nothing is required. If you’re in love with the activity but don’t have time to complete it, save it for the next day or move it to the weekend when you’re kids are wondering what the plan is for the day.

Everything is made to be flexible and adjustable for your family.
A supply list and library topic list is included for every chapter. A Planning Guide is also provided so that you can decide what works best for your family. The Read Aloud Experience can revolve around your routine and your rhythms for the day.
Involve your whole family – all ages.
Everyone can participate in the Read Aloud Experience. It’s like your own little mini book club inside your house. It’s so fun how we all can talk about the book and the things we’ve learned. Dad is usually working during the day and misses the reading, but he always gets to read our library books before bed, learning with the kids. The babies don’t always get to participate in crafts and activities, but many days they’re on the floor listening to me read.

Easily incorporate the Read Aloud Experience into your day.
Simply add the read aloud to your day and pick and choose activities as time allows. One chapter a day – It’s that easy!
You can also use this as a break from your language arts curriculum. You know that funk you get in when you just need a change? This is exactly what we did, and it was wonderful. There is just so much to learn from reading literature together!!
It is a novel unit that leads you to discuss story elements, vocabulary, and comprehension while diving into other subjects, as well. At my house, we have placed the curriculum workbook aside. Honestly, it got boring! I dreaded doing it. Now, we complete our read aloud experience, a quick phonics page, shared reading time, and that’s it for language arts. It’s been so nice and refreshing.
This is also great when you’re taking a break from school in general, and you still want to have a little bit of structure. For example, this could be summer, holidays, or a break after a new baby.
You can get the entire Read Aloud Experience for FREE!
Still unsure if this is right for your family? Don’t believe me that it’s easy and low stress? Check it out for yourself and decide. You can get the entire Read Aloud Experience for The Secret Garden free and test it out for yourself.
Remember that just reading to your children is going to be beneficial and time well spent. You’ll always cherish that time together. The Read Aloud Experience allows you to take it one step further with ease.
Complete the included science experiment and take a break from your science curriculum that day. Save the activities for a rainy day when you can’t get outside. Or, plan to do them in the afternoon during that awkward time when you’re kids keep asking about dinner. (Anyone else?)
Most importantly, have fun with it! Get the whole family involved. There’s nothing better than gathering around a great book.
Check out the following links for more Read Aloud Experiences:
NEW American History through Picture Books is AVAILABLE
Check out this simple, picture-book-based American History curriculum that your whole family will love!

10 Responses
This is amazing and EXACTLY what my family needs! We have purchased and are using your history book units (amazing!!)…are you considering doing any more read aloud experience units? Thank you for all you do!
I love hearing this! Thank you! The last American History Unit will be out this month! I’m so excited to release it! For read aloud experiences…I don’t have plans to make any new ones as of right now, but we do still read novels together as a family and I form it into our own language arts program. I love it so much. It makes language arts so flexible and enjoyable. I have a lot more information about it on my YouTube channel if you’re interested. You may enjoy the “DIY Language Arts” videos I did for Trumpet of the Swan.