One of my kiddos will be a third grader this year, and in this post I plan to share our curriculum picks for the upcoming year. This will be my second time having a third grader and the funny thing is the line up looks completely different! It’s just proof that every child is unique. What a blessing to be able to adjust their education based on their needs!
As a reminder, I pick this curriculum because I feel like it’s the best fit for my individual child. What works for us might not work for you OR it might work great for you. That is always up to you to decide. As you read through this, I hope you are inspired with ideas as you plan for your own homeschool year. Please do not read this as expert advice.
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Family Subjects
As a mom of four, I group a lot of our subjects together. This has been such a big blessing for us and it makes our days so much more simple. I have a separate post about the subjects we are covering as a family this year, and you can check that one out here.
Our family subjects include Bible, history, science, fine arts, and some language arts.

We will be completing Math with Confidence level 3 this year. This program has been such a good fit for my child and for me teaching this specific child. We have completed level 1 and level 2 so I have felt the benefits of using it.
The teacher guide is scripted and walks me through every step of the lesson. The actual lessons are full of hands-on activities and games to help practice the skills. The student workbook is colorful and easy to follow.
From what I’ve seen (and heard) the level 3 has a lot more work/practice problems than the previous levels. So that will be something I will have to play by ear. I may set it up similar to how I teach math with my oldest: She completes the review on her own in the morning then together we do the lesson and practice later in the day.
Math with Confidence is just that – confidence! It has increased my child’s confidence, but it also gives ME confidence as the teacher. Math doesn’t come easy for every child and sometimes as the parent it can cause a little anxiety about whether or not you’re doing the right program. This math curriculum really helped me overcome that fear and now after two years of using it, I trust the process and know the lessons will be great!
Language Arts
This will be in a lot of pieces. We don’t use an all-in-one curriculum in my house, so our language arts is a combination of a few things. I talk a lot about this with my oldest child’s work and have many videos about it on my YouTube channel if you are interested in learning more.
Eventually, I will follow that same routine with my 3rd grader, but we are still trying to work on improving reading skills. So I will share how we plan to do that below and any other pieces of language arts that we complete.
Some of her language arts will be a part of our family studies (novel read alouds and poetry). So be sure to check out that post or watch this video to see more about that.

This year we are using a new program called ABeCeDarian (also under the name Sharpen Reading). We spent most of second grade reviewing with a variety of resources, and it wasn’t until the end of the year that I found ABeCeDarian and made the switch.
We started in Level B1 and although I had made plans in my head to continue it in the summer to start a new level for third – it didn’t happen that way. The need for rest was greater, and so I shelved it for a bit.
When we start the year, we will review the units we have completed and then just continue where we left off. I have loved this program for her. It has boosted her confidence and increased her desire to read. I have a blog post about this program as well as a complete look through on YouTube if you are interested in seeing what it’s all about.
Handwriting is slow-going right now. We do a very little bit each day mostly to encourage focus and best effort. I really would like for her to master cursive because I have read that it actually helps with reluctant writers if you use the “right” type of program.
This type of cursive program is one where all of the lower case letters start on the bottom line. This strategy can help struggling writers. I read about it when we used Logic of English a couple years ago and I’ve read more about the benefits of cursive since then.
I found our handwriting book, Handwriting Program for Cursive, at a local homeschool store and loved it because it was very basic. It has a giant letter to refer to and possibly trace with your finger. Then it had some practice lines. There are no distracting images or busy work.
This upcoming year we will continue to slowly work through this workbook to try and master cursive writing.
I have waited to start grammar with this child. We have been working really hard on reading and that has been our focus. Last year I introduced a grammar book I found to see how it would work for her, and I loved it. So, I do intend to add it in at some point this year.
The book is called Easy Grammar. It reminds me a little bit of Fix it Grammar in that you are practicing multiple skills each day, a little bit at a time. I completely ignored the grade levels and started with the first one, and I’m really happy with that decision. When we did use it, she was confident and able to work through it without any problems, but at the same time she was getting the grammar review that I felt was necessary.
Eventually, I hope to have her tag along with us for our DIY language arts units and this will be her grammar component, but my priority right now is for her to work through her reading books. She is still reading so many fantastic novels with us, but the passage study will wait until I feel like she’s ready.
I will make a note that we only have the Teacher book. The website specifically states that if you are only using it for one child you do NOT need a student workbook. The child can simply write in the teacher book, and we’ve done just that. The answers are not visible on the work pages.
I feel really good about this year. I’ve worked really hard to find the best curricula to fit the needs of this child, and I am so thankful for the different programs we have come across over the years. Many of these workbooks were new to me, so I hope sharing them here might be helpful for one of you!
Family Subjects: Bible, History, Science, and more…
Math: Math with Confidence Level 3
Language Arts: Read Alouds and Poetry through Family Subjects
Reading: ABeCeDarian Level B1 (also under the name Sharpen Reading)
Handwriting: Handwriting Program for Cursive (a PAF Reading program)
Grammar: Easy Grammar Grade 1